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double deuce

Eating cake with only the middle and pointer fingers of each hand. Considerered very uncouth at parties if you deuce straight from the cake plate.
Double deucing contests can be held between friends, to see who can deuce their cake first (doubly, of course).

Dude, I can't believe you just double deuced that cake. I was gonna cut myself a piece of that.

by outofcontexts April 16, 2006

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double deuce juice

1) (n) 22 oz of cold 45 ml beer.
2) (n) Colt 45

Dat Dread Drinkin a double deuce juice

by shane June 19, 2003

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double deuce

The indication of wearing the same undergarment for one day and then the following, implying a certain lack of hygiene on the party.

When a guy hasn't been home for 2 days and hasn't taken a shower and had a change of clothes and he's been with his friend for the entire time he's been out of the house, his friend might say...
"you sum derrty shyt, yu` been hav`n da same derrty *ss drawz fa` 2 dayz now... yu` strait double-deuce`n..."

by genius_laydii July 26, 2004

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double deuce delight

A dude takes a dump facing the opposite direction, as in facing the tank. Simultaneously, a girl goes back-to-back on him a takes a dump. Same time. Same bowl. Afterwards, (or during, depending on taste) they reach around and pleasure each other manually.

I'm so comfortable with Beth these days, I showed her the double deuce delight.

by josB April 11, 2009

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double dip deuce

A 2-step shitting method. The first motion is where you simultaneously shotgun dip, shit and flush using momentum. The second dip is where one shits any residuals nuggets and wipes the ass.

Joe: Hey Drew I'm having a hard time shitting these days.

Drew: Well maybe you need to Double Dip Deuce to force it out. Good luck bruh.

by Original_Gax December 4, 2017

deuce double quad

The name of the residence of Charlie and Jason.

What was once known as 244, is now the deuce double quad.

by Hula Shake June 15, 2004

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Double deuce

Aka (a Deuce and a half) when one has a bowel movement, stands up to leave and by the act of standing, loosens another piece of feces and and one has to abandon the plan to leave the bathroom to go back,sit down and finish it again.

Also know as a gmc jimmy ton and a half truck Circa ww2.

Grampa told me about his war times and the big trucks he worked on, like the double deuce.

by Bonnie mc fucking cannon June 27, 2024