Source Code


A low-income community. (poor)

Boy 1: Why do you stay in the ghetto.

Because my mom doesn't make that

much money, to stay in the richies.

She get's welfare

boy 2: Oh that's understandable.

by davonj89 May 8, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

the Ghetto

The student Neighborhood south of the University of Dayton. Known for outrageous parties as well as constant police patrolling through out the weekend. On an average night you will find large house parties full of inebriated flyers (dayton students), friends, and families making fools of themselves, breaking things, making bad decisions and, recently proven by scientists, having the most fun any group of students can have in college. These parties are not byob and rarely run out before 1 a.m. The beverage of choice usually is beast.

According to David Letterman is the number 4 best place to be on St. Patrick's day.

The ghetto was crazy last night

by tckdtp March 19, 2009

109๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


When one undercuts another by using trick or ruse to place the individual at an advantage over the other.

Shane is ghettoing me every time we go to the restaurant. He always leaves before the check is paid.

by VKINGONG July 16, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghetto to the no no

a "beyond ghetto" human being , alien , animal , insect , plant or object who has no class , doesn't care about their appearance , very trashy & who types with unaccurate symbols out of the alphabet !

f0rR3@l d03 b@3 ? or fR!!3d ch!!ck3N b3 gHuD

-sentence: That girl is ghetto to the no no !

-rap: she think she hood she think she bold but that girl aint nothing she ghetto to the no no

-poem: oh why , oh hi , why cant you unfold im so ashamed this table is ghetto to the no no

by dsmonroe January 9, 2011


Sometimes blocks of government housing (cheap and of poor-quality so as to house the poor and needy) are called ghetto becuase these poor people resort to crime and stuff to get money. Because the whole block (usually there are several) is poor and criminal, it can't even be apprached by authorities in some cases because it is so derelict and vile. The government is now taking action and trying to get a mix of poor and rich and middle class people into these houses to even out the mix so it isn't so ghetto or derelict.

From the song "Supa Star" by Group Home
Born in the ghetto it's hard to survive
Some have achieved and many brothers tried
But I realized which life to choose
I wanna make money so I gotta pay dues
But there's no rules and you only have one chance
If ya f*** up kid you face the circumstance
At night I use to scream and shout
Livin' in the ghetto trying to get the hell out

by untouchable_95 May 11, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (n.) A quarantined section of the city where the Jews were forced to live during WWII Germany.

Jimmy jumped over giant, gelatinous jiggas in his Jewish ghetto.

by k1 February 23, 2005

5308๐Ÿ‘ 2741๐Ÿ‘Ž


projects; run down homes or parts of towns or cities

you live in the ghetto

by dilpgh May 4, 2003

3298๐Ÿ‘ 1811๐Ÿ‘Ž