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Your X - or ex - with a nod to the convolutions of Twitter.

"Check out the babe."
"No need. ... She's my formerly-known-as"

by Monkey's Dad November 2, 2023

Known Idiot

A person who is known for being wrong about everything that is worth having an opinion about.

If you have a plan you want to follow you should ask their opinion about the plan. If they hate it, then you should probably go ahead and implement the plan. If they love it, then you need to go back to the drawing board as your plan will have deficiencies that you haven't been able to see, but the Known Idiot will have detected and loved.

Programmer 1: John is our known idiot, can you ask him what he thinks of your software design before implementing it?
Programmer 2: I asked him already - he thought it was a great idea....so I'll throw that design away and start again, it's obviously full of bugs.

by Danack August 12, 2013

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known unknown

Something that one knows they don't know.

There are known unknowns, that is to say that there are things that we know we don't know. (whiskey tango foxtrot, Donald?)

by Bushmonkey October 1, 2006

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Known unknown

These are the things that you know you don't know. Coined by Donlad Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense.

Boss: Are you saying we don't know what this project will cost?

You: Yep, it's a known unknown!

by seven8521 November 1, 2009


This means LISTEN UP MF'ER! Youre about to hear something important and you WILL be held accountable for the info. It's accompanied at times by ringing in the ears, headache , and blurred vision. A LET IT BE KNOWN can be in verbal or written form.
They are usually ineffective because the non-listeners are often dumbasses but they are still accountable for the info.

Dr Phil--Dod you tell Gregor about his ass?
Krystola- ahhh, Imma wait and beat his ass when he gets outta jail!
Dr Phil- Woosah Krystola, I have several issues with that. You should atleast do a LET IT BE KNOWN announcement.

by Princess Weirdo February 3, 2022

Known Blanket

Someone who is known as a loser or odd person.

Lmao that person is so annoying, totally a known blanket.

by Ocamper211 March 17, 2021

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Known Idiot

A person who carries out idiotic action even when they should know better.

For example, Donald Trump wiping his lips then shaking hands during a corona virus press conference.

Donald Trump is a known idiot when it comes to the corona virus.

by Danack March 14, 2020