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Pittsburghese for "needs to be," "needs to go," "needs to have," "needs to use," etc.

The bridge needs fixed.

The dog needs outside.

I need a pop.

Yunz don't need all them gumbans do yunz?

by emsee November 15, 2006

22πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


wantin something really bad and u have to have it now

i need that hair spary NOW!

by Hope-meri October 20, 2003

17πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A Punk ass trick that needs to get their ass kicked for saying or doing something dumb (e.g., Hoish).

Everyone has a "Need-to-Be" friend that always has something retarded to say or acts like a little bitch.

by Meretrix, Inc. March 4, 2007

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

needed it

1: When two competitors equally matched with equal incentive to win compete, it is who ever wins. Must have not just wanted it, but needed it.

2: When someone overcomes odds to do something they set out to do.

3: When someone does something shady to achieve a goal, but the unsavory action was so clever even those duped must applaud.

4, when a competitor refuses to loose no matter what.

Ex 1:Luke: Man did you see that one on one game between Kobe and Lebron?

Cory: yeah Kobe needed it .

Ex 2: Jordan: Duke was down 15 with 2 minutes to go and they ended up winning
Kyle: yeah they "needed it ".

Ex 3: Spectator Ahh Kevin pulled down Tim’s pants then stole the ball and laid it up for the game winner

Tim: I guess that fool needed it.

Ex 4: Jake: The Chargers are missing 5 offensive starters and they are playing on the road, how are they winning by 14?
Doug: They need it.

by Robinshood April 7, 2009

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


My heart has always needed you, in every single way
But now..
Something's different.. I need you more than I can say

I want you to myself all night, hoping you're going to stay
Only me and you my love, everything else can go away

Iv never been a man of faith, yet somehow, for you I pray..
To have you standing next to me, to love you day by day

I hope.. one day, I'll finally get to say..
I love you.. my Queen..
And I'm going to show you.. in every way

I have needed to write all week.. my head.. and heart are so broken right now

Im writing not knowing that my words are read by the one they're for, confusing myself.. being confused by another..

But I HAVE to let it out. This has grown to something I cannot control anymore.. there's a wildness taking over me that I don't understand
Primitive yet focussed..
Sensitive but stalwart..
I didn't know the man I was.. now I don't know the man I'm becoming.. man seems too.. docile to define me any longer
It feels like an animal is stirring from a deep.. long.. slumber..
But, what does it want?

by 4_u September 15, 2023

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


To want something or somebody very badly

That boy so needing he’ll do anything to be with me!

by thydra πŸ’‹ November 30, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When you need something so bad, that you can't see it even if it's in front of your face.

I looked at the key holder ten times, but I was so need-blind I couldn't find my keys.

by Wes "White Chocolate" Nessman June 24, 2018