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United states of america

The second largest nation on the North American continent, situated between Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.

The only political and military superpower left on earth, it is held in contempt and jealousy by others, albeit sometimes not without merit.

Home to the oldest written constitution still in effect, it has benefited from almost 230 years of political stability. Because of this, and it's many natural resources, it has been blessed to have the largest economy in the world.

Sometimes confused with their government, the citizenry is generous and truly believes in the "American Dream", i.e., that if you work hard enough, and long enough, you can succeed in your endeavors.

It is a country of immigrants, not ethnicity; anyone can become an American, but not all can be a Japanese, or a German, or a Russian, etc.

It's government, such as all governments, has in the past, (and some argue now) let it's people down by not living up to it's expectations. In America however, that government can be removed not by bullets, but by ballots.

I live in the United States of America.

by Evildoer September 27, 2005

1578πŸ‘ 923πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

A place you're proud to call home. You will accept no other substitute for freedom, and you will not accept crappy definitions for the land of the free and the brave.

Most of all, GO AMERICA.

Because I live in the United States of America, I can choose what to do with my money! GO CAPITALISM!

by Loveable George W. Bush September 21, 2010

245πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

Also known as America, USA, United States, or The States; it is often the center of stereotypes and misunderstanding.

No. Not everyone in the country is fat. In fact, Germany has more overweight people than the United States.

No. Not everyone is arrogant and self-centered. Just like every single effing country on the planet, America has it's share. But many many people are kind hearted and thoughtful

No. Not everyone is a gun-toting crazy bastard. The United States may be high in crime, but there are more than 300 million people spread through out the country. Many foreigners come to America thinking they'd have the freedom to take someone else's freedom away.

No. Not everyone is stupid. Without America, you wouldn't have the internet you are on right now. Without America, planes wouldn't be as developed, or even invented. The US has a mix of millions of people from around the world: their knowledge combined.

Yes. The United States is having some financial problems. So is everyone else! Give the country a break! Only being 235 years old, already being a superpower, and fighting in 2 World Wars, you have to give them some credit. The countries in Europe existed for thousands of years. They had thousands of years to get their government in check.

The United States of America has come very far. The people have different cultures in different areas; from New England, to California: everything and everyone is different. Don't judge on stereotypes.

"The United States of America sucks. I'm moving."
"Everyone is fat, stupid, and lazy!"
". . . So are a bunch of people in Canada, Europe, and Asia."

by animime November 21, 2011

36πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

A federal republic of 50 states. The first state admitted to the Union was Delaware in 1787, and the latest state admitted was Hawaii, on August 21, 1959. The USA is located in North America, between Canada and the United Mexican States (Mexico)

Joe: What country has 50 states?

Doug: The United States of America!

by Jirachion7060 May 28, 2018

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

united states of america

the best country in the world. everything in the world is based off of what the united states does. i dont care if you think this country is shit. without us, the world would have nothing and for the people that live in here and hate it, get the hell out. we dont want you if youre gonna bitch about how much you hate this country while youre liveing in it.

guy1: the united states of america sucks

guy2: get the hell out. stop complaining.

by ...,,,... ...,,,... April 4, 2010

127πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

A nation which, along with being one of the few remaining superpowers of the world, is filled with all types of people. The USA is a multicultural nation consisting of a Caucasian majority, which will have changed to an Hispanic majority by the year 2050.

Unfortunately, most of the world (including many Americans) does not realize that, though we throw the word "democracy" around quite a bit, the US is a Republic, modeled after Rome. If you can’t tell the difference, look it up.

A few important facts about the United States of America:

1. We are not all stupid, nor are we ignorant or intolerant.

2. Yes, we have had bad leaders. So has every other nation on Earth. Unfortunately, the US is under a bigger spotlight politically than most of the world, and our mistakes seem bigger. Get over it.

3. America is as full of patriots as it is dissenters, and that is one of the things that make the country great. The ability to speak freely and without reason to fear the government is more than many nations can boast.

4. Yes, we speak a mockery of the English language. Don't fault us on how we speak, because every language came from another.

5. No, we don't hate Canada. As a matter of fact, Canada and the United States of America would be bestest friends if they were individual people.

6. We have the longest standing Constitution of any nation today, and we are proud that we have maintained a strong relation to our roots.

7. We are not all arrogant, racist, ignorant bastards, so please, stop using the Internet to call us so. Also, really, how many people who comment on our ignorance have met an American from the majority of the population? (No, COPS is not an accurate representation of the majority, and I suggest you stop watching the program, it rots your brain)

by NMoon November 27, 2009

131πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

A place that is heaven when you're immigrating and hell when you actually get there

"Yes, I just got my Green Card! I'm going to United States of America, baby!"

(Three months later)

"Hi, buddy this is (some Mexican name). So how's life in United States of America?"

Grimaces and says darkly"Don't ask, fellow, don't ask..."

by wearethebhai2 August 23, 2009

182πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž