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theres never not not nuttin

A word used a lot by a Youtuber called "jacksfilms"
He uses it in a Youtube series called "Your Grammar Sucks" and mostly in raps

"Theres never not not nuttin stop being a rude"

by MacInToshXX January 4, 2016

Watchout! Theres Ghosts

A Techno/Electronica/Scream band created by former A Skylit Drive vocalist Jordan Blake, and long time friend and old Ann Arbor band mate, Josh Stotts.

Friend:"Have you heard of Watchout! Theres Ghosts?"
Friend:"Listen. Your boner will never get bigger than when you do."

by HairyBallSackOfDespair November 5, 2011

Theres no strangers tonight

You know the rules and so do I

Person A: Theres no strangers tonight.
Person B: I WOULD continue but I don't know the lyrics. :(


theres levels to this shit

Trying to sarcastically tell someone how complicated a situation is. Usually over- exaggerated something such as this... multiple levels my nigga u cant even fathom it.

Gotta go to the DMV today... Theres levels to this shit.

Gotta clean my aunts asshole... Theres levels to this shit.

Gotta go to a funeral... Theres levels to this shit.

Just fucked a fish... Theres levels to this shit.

by THA GOD November 1, 2013

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theres never not not nuttin

theres never not not nuttin is an inside joke from jacksfilms from his series Your Grammar sucks (YGS),Originated on YGS 10 as a songs

Jack: Theres never not not nuttin
Brock:What The Fuck are you trying to say?

by FunkyScotlandCat March 9, 2016

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theres something about rachel

Rachel is a georgous woman that has a beautiful personality . most men that meet her want her in their lives. They would do anything to be with her and cannot take no for an answer. Shes like a neccessity for them. They would do anything for her. Shes great, beautiful, charming, loving, and a total bitch, but thats just who she is. What else can i say? When you got it, you got it.

He cant live without her. Theres something about rachel.

by VindictiveAngel January 10, 2023

theres a hog in my pants

majorly horny, with a boner

Guy 1: Oh boy, theres a hog in my pants!
Guy 2: oh its cindy isnt it?
Guy 1: Yup!

by Digdugfan October 25, 2013