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Neuroscientists have revealed that we cannot tickle ourselves (the gargalesis type) essentially because we can’t surprise our own brain. During a tickle, the skin’s nerve endings shoot electrical signals to the somatosensory cortex, a part of the brain that processes touch. Meanwhile, the anterior cingulate cortex analyzes these signals as either harmful or playful. But in the back part of the brain, the cerebellum gives you away. It tells your cortex that you are about to attempt a self-tickle, and not to worry, it should suppress the signals from the tickle. So there is a brain system in place that analyzes the sensory input together with the motor output, basically telling us whether what we feel is due to ourselves or others. And in doing so, it also helps us understand how the brain separates “me” from “them.” In fact, some people with dissociative disorders like Schizophrenia can tickle themselves silly. Being able to differentiate the actions of others and ourselves is central to our sense of self.

Tickling is also a way to prove you have dominance.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 25, 2019

4👍 1👎


Its just like rape.

Except your forced to laugh instead of being raped.

Girl-"Tickling boy'

by Katcot99 November 3, 2011

96👍 99👎

tickling it

A term that is a G rated version for masturbating.

I am "tickling it" at the moment, I can't talk right now.

by Just Joshua just joshing ya June 27, 2017

3👍 1👎

tickle tickle whoop

when you tickle and shove your finger up somebodys ass.

when you tickle.you tickle,you move your finger back and forth quickly across the asshole. when you whoop, you shove your finger up their ass.

austin gave sam the tickle tickle whoop treatment last night at the wrestling match.

by smiley killer March 1, 2012

67👍 1👎


To lightly wiggle and move a key around inside a lock and/or use alternative instruments to open it. Generally it is applied to thieves from Ireland and England who "tickled the lock" hence its name.

Sam: "Damit this key won't open the lock" Joe: "Give it to me"
Sam: "what are you doing.."
Joe: "This is called tickling the lock"

by Ceonactor December 15, 2008

64👍 105👎


Forced resignation from a company; a situation where you are either forced to resign or get fired.

you: Hey did you hear what happened to Todd before lunch?
me: Ya, after 7 years he got Tickled!

by Tummyson November 15, 2018

7👍 9👎


A name that has become synonymous in the mobile gaming community with being a cunt.

You know what rhymes with Tickles? A cunt.

by TheRougeMemer February 5, 2019

8👍 13👎