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a person who loves cats, dog, and other indoor animals; a person who loves to rescue stray animals

I know where you can adopt cats. My friend told me that he is a toei and he owns a shelter for cats. You should check him out.

by khj122491 November 22, 2021


a person who loves to take care of cats, dogs, and other indoor animals; a person who loves to rescue stray animals

I have a friend who is a toei and he lives nearby, and he also owns a shelter for them. You may check him out if you want to adopt cats. I'm sure he will be glad to meet you.

by khj122491 November 22, 2021


A Toey is someone who makes tons of stupid, but funny, jokes and is a little slow in the brain. They like to make dumb decisions that everyone laughs at.

Guy- "Did you just hear a monkey" Another Guy- "That was just Toey over there being stupid"

by yeeter101 October 29, 2020


Pj? Newbauer?

Toey? Pj?

by Skievl23 May 5, 2018



Her: Oi im so toey hey

Him: Well I’ll get you a taxi so you can get a good night sleep then

by Steffipoo March 12, 2021