Source Code

Tommy Gun Overdrive

A scene from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Battle Tendency where Joseph Joestar takes out a Tommy Gun and unloads the whole freaking clip on Straizo.

Joseph: Takes out Tommy Gun.

Joseph: Tommy Gun Overdrive!!!

*Gun noises*

Straizo: Lol noob didn't work.



by nice rigger December 3, 2020

thompson (aka tommy gun)

Thompson .45 calibre Sub-machine gun.30 or 50 rounds in a magazine. Mostly used in the 30's to da 50's.
Used by gangstas in the US in 30's
Used by the army during world war 2
Used by various countries in the 50's
Also known as Tommy-gun
*many people were stupid enuf to say that the Thompson Sub machine gun belongs to the machine gun category they are 100% pure dumbasses*

Al Capone used da thompson and gunned down some policemen for fun.

by G.A.N.G.S.T.A.S. March 10, 2005

30👍 10👎

Tommy Gunning

Shotgunning a can of Spaghettios as you would a can of beer

Derrick is bulking this week so he’s Tommy Gunning 3 cans a day. That’s like 1200 calories!

by ItalianTrash September 10, 2021

got with a certain tommy gun

did something interesting recently

I hear you got with a certain tommy gun

by theladette November 3, 2013