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toque toke

A toque toke is the ultimate method for inhaling cannabis when smoking Canada's most luscious ganja strains. What you gotta do is purchase a very large toque/beanie and pull it over your entire head. Then get your buds to take big fat rips on their bongs and exhale under the toque. The aim is to get as much smoke percolated up inside your face toque as possible.

(this is also called a BEANIE TOKE)

someone concerned: hey, are you alright? You look extremely unwell....

Michael: Naaaaaah dude...I took a toque toke last night at the bonfire.

by b0$$-4$$-b1+(H October 30, 2018

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Toque Bomb

When a man squeezes his foreskin over the end of his knob, followed by urinating until the foreskin stretches full of urine, which in turn explodes upon release of the foreskin, causing one to make a "toque bomb".
This can also be achieved using sperm.

Frank exploded his toque bomb all over Michelle last night.... that shit was crazy gross!

by Toque Bomb January 14, 2009

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Fool of a toque

When a friend is a total dick and tries to define stuff to look cool.

Person 1: Dan is such a fool of a toque am I right?
Person 2: Yeah, also a total dick.

by Howdythere! April 19, 2010

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tugging your toque

Typical Canadian slang talking about joking around. Can be used in many situations but exceptionally well used in winter where you can pull the toque down over their eyes making the metaphorical "pulling the wool over their eyes" more literal.

"Hey man did you REALLY do that?"
"No way man, I'm just tugging your toque."

by Keeganimus August 24, 2018

Pierre le Toque

The toque-wearing, cigarette-smoking man pictured on a package of Zig Zag cigarette papers.

From toke, a puff or drag on a marijuana cigarette.

Also called Ziggy the Narc.

Common since the 1960s, and maybe earlier.

I gotta quit smoking this stuff. I saw Pierre le Toque truckin down the street.

by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005

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flip your toque

Go crazy - similar to 'flip you lid' but with a canadian twist.. see toque.. btw its a knit cap people.

That guy just totally flipped his toque!

by Fianna Sidhe October 2, 2003

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A hopelessly over lapping, over whelming, never ending for skin of a fat man's penis.

"Damn your toques over whelming" "never seen anything like it" "yo dude, put that thing away" "what is that?"

by Choomba woomba August 23, 2018