Source Code

emotional translator

trying to explain an idea or concept to a group of people but they misinterpret its meaning because of cultural barriers

I tried to explain a sensitive subject to my ethnic friends but without an emotional translator, they became enraged

by Jonfurstn December 18, 2010

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Lost in Translation

An amazing film written and directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray.

It's about two people who are visiting Japan and who feel lost in life. Their chance meeting leads to a touching and intimate friendship and the film follows their attemts to find themselves in a strangely familiar and beautiful yet alien and bewildering environment.

The film is shot beautifully and the music combines with amazing shots of Tokyo to produce an incredibly moving film.

"Magical, funny, truly soulful, classically timeless... an absolute must see" - Uncut

"Phenomenal... film of the year!" - Arena

Winner of Acadamy Award for Best Screenplay 2004, 3 Golden Globes and 3 BAFTAS

by Autumn Child July 24, 2005

137πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

anger translator

a person specializing in expressing the anger of individuals with placid or non-assertive attitudes

β€œI’m a mellow sort of guy…and that’s why I’ve invited, Luther, my anger translator, to join me here tonight.”—President Barack Obama

by Mr. Eccentric October 22, 2017

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

arabic translator

Jon Stewart, on the January 17, 2005 episode of The Daily Show:

Although to be fair, an army spokesman says the firings were brought about not by bigotry, but by a simple misunderstanding, when the general asked his secretary to give him an arabic translator -- not realizing that in sex parlance, an arabic translator is a cleveland steamer crossed with an inverted rusty trombone.

Suffice to say, there was quite a mess in the officer's mess hall that day! I can't believe it...

by the daily toad January 21, 2005

20πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Lost in translation

(N.) To become a different message than the original through the changes of another language during translation.

(Normal) "ROB SCHNEIDER IN:" (Translate!) "DA DERP DEE DERP DA TEETLEY DERPEE DERPEE DUMB" (Untranslate) "...South Park's Kenny Is The Biggest Douche In The Universe Now That Rob Schnider Is Kenny."

by G-Union October 29, 2003

70πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Nigger Translation

The translation between wut uz niggas say and what da white people here.

Dam Cuz, She a Ho.

Nigger Translation-That black woman over there with the big ass titties is attracting the attention of these working niggers who are just trying to get ahold of her pussy.

by Douche bag Mc Dumb Fucker Sucks Tits all day October 12, 2006

85πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Comedy Translator

A Comedy Translator, or C**T, is someone who feels it absolutely necessary to ensure that everyone enjoyed and (more importantly) understood a joke or television programme, or play, or comedian, or toilet visit as much as they did, personally.

The Comedy Translator will routinely bring up elements of a joke or performance that most people would consider throwaway, or have understood anyway, in order to debate them, and in turn, prove how intelligent they are by having spoken to you about it.

The irony of the Comedy Translator is that despite their comedy name, they are widely hated.

Comedy Translator: "God, that was absolutely HILARIOUS, don't you think?!"

You: "Yeah, I suppose it was quite good"

C**T "No, no, no, no. It was HILARIOUS, did you get that bit when he brought the cat in, and he was stuffing it into her face?! That was an in-joke about famine, I know this because it was on his '1984 At The Palladium' re-released DVD commentary..."

You: "Absolute silence on the way home, please"

by NutsNGum September 13, 2011

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž