Source Code


When visiting a nightclub or other such dancing establishment, the act of unbuckling one's belt, loosening ones trousers and allowing them to drop to the floor, continuing to dance with them shuffling around one's ankles. Often whilst inebriated.

"Did you see Simon the other night? He was dancing around those women Trou-Down, and they were loving it."

by steve_rogers_is_dead November 1, 2007

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Dropping Trou'

Dropping your pants (trousers) for no apparent reason at all.

It's night time and a guy is standing on the side of a deserted road. Out of nowhere a car starts heading towards him. From the driver's perspective you see the lights getting larger on the person. The person then look directly at the driver, eyes wide, then just drops his pants to the ground and darts across the road so as to pass in front of the car narrowly missing being hit. It can be said that the man has just dropped trou' and bailed.

by Jason K. August 22, 2005

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noun, short for "underpants"

How now, brown cow /
Wow! I see your u-trou.

by Loco Moco October 19, 2004

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A trou who's gotten somebody into some serious trouble. This can range from consensual sex in the barracks being reported as 'rape' to escape punishment, to a respect board for making sexist remarks. Avoid these bitches at all costs.

If CDT X reports CDT Y to the respect officer for saying disparaging things about females underperforming at physical training, she is trou-ble.

by cadaterhater February 23, 2009

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trou normand

A french food tradition, where you are served a shot of liquor in the middle of a long meal, to restore appetite. Often the shot is with Calvados liquor or ice cream sorbet.

I am feeling about to explode already, how about making time for a trou normand?

by Narcisse Duc February 26, 2017

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low trou

low trou refers to the act of wearing your jeans so that the crotch hangs down to your knees. this is a look often sported by emos and sometimes skaters. wearing your jeans in this mannor has no practical reason exept as a place to store many apples.

'he could fit many apples in his low trou'

by libbi April 30, 2006

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drop trou

To lower ones trousers and take a MASSIVE DUMP!!!

Hanes we'll be back in few minutes...he had to go drop trou.

by Chux December 9, 2003

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