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Blueliger Turnover

A Blueliger Turnover is a sexual position well known in baking and kurma sutra communities. It contains a lot of eroticism, foreplay, flexibility, and food. Wear protective glasses as to not get filling cream or other wise in eyes and gloves to prevent slipping . It involves two men and one woman. She starts in doggy style then knots herself into a pretzel. Then the two men begin to fill her with their cream then turnover pastry, cream, and other fillings then eat it out of her. It is named Blueliger because of wild blueberry filling being most popular filling. She will like the cream filling!!

My friend and I went to a baking competition that ended with us giving the winner a Blueliger Turnover.

by Blueliger Turnover June 24, 2017

Dutch Turnover

The term for when one sees a very attractive person out in the public and then a very ugly one right after another. That happy sexual feeling followed by disgust is called the Dutch Turnover or D-Turn.

Guy: "Yo dude, check out that ginger in the corner right there"
Guy2: "Yeah, i see her. she's pretty fine

(A fat chick gets in the way of the ginger)

Guy: "Woah, major D-Turn!"
Guy2: "i think im gojng to barf now, gotta' love those dutch turnovers"

by Lolias April 9, 2011

The African Turnover

When having sex while laying on your back, and your lady sticks a black dildo in your anus unexpectedly and your roll over in anger!

I can't believe she pulled The African turnover on me last night bro!

by Joeswinning February 17, 2014

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

chocolate turnover

(n.) When a girl is performing a handstand while simultaneously having a bowel movement and her lover is sucking out the excrement

Oh man! I have to go take a shower... I just gave the babysitter a chocolate turnover and now I feel dirty.

by samrick cody February 23, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cherry Turnover

A female virgin who "turns over" to the lesbian side.

A girl who lets another girl pop her cherry.

Boy: How do you know you're a lesbian if you're a virgin?

Girl: I'm a cherry turnover!

by BumbleMuffin November 20, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Derby Turnover

When two people bendover and put their pooholes together and crap after sex.

Lisa "Oh my god Tom asked if I wanted to Derby turnover with him, gross!"

by HiImA[Loser] March 22, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

apple turnover

Tasty treats that can be eaten at Kroger for free after midnight. No sexual connotation, they are just mighty delicious.

MMM My apple turnover is delicious, good thing I can just throw the box somewhere when i am finished and not pay for it.

by Lance Hardenburg August 6, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž