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Ugg Boots

Type of woman's foot wear worn mostly by younger woman in Westernized countries. Often made of sheep skin and wool, these poorly designed boots lack in proper arch and foot support. The wearer of the boot can often be seen walking not on the sole of the boot but rather on the actual side of the boot itself. This leads to a condition characterized by worn out, wet and ugly boots. Hence the name "Ugg boots".

Hey Kayla, great Ugg boots! Oh by the way, did you realize you are not actually walking on the sole of your boots and your Uggs are getting totally trashed?

by Dr. Zauis March 12, 2010

27👍 14👎

Ugg Booting

The act of putting your foot inside another person's asshole. It's like your wearing a large ugly but warm boot

I'm sorry but Ugg Booting is a Hard Limit for me

by RJComedian January 19, 2023

ugg boot

sticking your foot up a partners butt during sex who has an extreme case of e.d. (explosive diarhea) and they hershey syrup all over your foot and the resulting image of your foot would be the ugg boot

this resembles an actual ugg boot.

by kban000 December 3, 2006

44👍 46👎

Ugg Boots

Another expression used to describe an unattractive female.

Person 1: Did you see that girl right there?
Person 2: Yeah I know, she was ugg boots.

by ArElEightch September 23, 2009

20👍 19👎

Tokyo Ugg Boot

Rubbing ones foot (or feet) in a well forested vaginal region. If 70's porn style vagina is availible, this will result in pubic hair growth fully encompassing the foot.

Dude that chick isnt gunna be walking right tommorow after that Tokyo Ugg boot I gave her!

by FlynnJeff July 16, 2010

9👍 1👎

ugg boot bitch

The ugg boot bitch is the girl,mainly from the suburbs, that wears ugg boots and nylons while explaining that they are supurb because they have a lot of sex and constantly annoy people minding their own business.

UBB:OMG did u see what kim was wearing
Kim: you are a huge Ugg Boot Bitch

by D3ster23 January 26, 2008

56👍 17👎

Ugg boot syndrome

when someones uggs have slanted over to one side resulting in them walking like they're a retard. Caused by very cheap fake Ugg boots.

"ha look how that girls walking"
"somebodies got the Ugg Boot Syndrome"

by FUGG BOOT HATER February 1, 2010

18👍 4👎