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A University of Virginia student, faculty. Plural, a UVA team.

Did you catch the Wahoo game on ESPN?
We should invite him to Tim's party. After all, he's a Wahoo.

by DurtyNelly January 1, 2012

17๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ur a fud

Ur a heavy wahoo

by Saggy October 18, 2021


a)must own at least 60 collored shirt
b)must own at least 60 pink shirts
c)must own a car that makes him fit in
d)must be atrracted to the same sex
e)must like either queer eye(males) or lesbos gone wild
f)must wish he was back in the good ole days
g)must have a job lined up at daddys family company
h)Must be a member of the 'hoo crew, AKA look like either Jack Black on 12 hits of X or the big show
i)must like the same sex
j)must have girlish qualities
k)must play with themself

I have a PP but like boys and wear pink, am I gay or just a wahoo?

by Loyal Wahoo January 26, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


What a cyclist buys when he/she finally decides that the best use for a Garmin is landfill

Little Johnny got a Wahoo for Christmas, and threw his collection of Garmin's in the village pond

by random_user_1234 July 24, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) that guy from sacramento that drinks like a fish, passes out at your house only to wake up and piss all over. when confrunted with questions of said "mystery" puddle a wahoo will respond with a flurry of cuss words and unreconizable words, the most common: "fuck you you fucking cunts fuck this shit fuck you fuck her and fuck this place im out." followed by leaveing not too gracefully and returning multple time never remembering why and if in fact he left at all.
2) that guy from sacramento tha besides the first definition you still call to go drink with cause truble with all the while shouting "yop yop your mom" to any and every one you pass.
3) that guy mentioned in the first two definitions.
4) the friend you snort spilled beer off dirty bar tables with.
5) the kind of friend who you his interupt a perfect moon with a finger to poop shoot, just for laughs.
6) that guy
7) bitchaferd moraless

8) the living canvas passed out with his shoes on coverd in sharpee

9) of the genius homo hippius fuckeredupus

you: wahoo you pissed on my couch
wahoo: "fuck you you fucking cunts fuck this shit fuck you fuck her and fuck this place im out."

by bitchaferdnamer April 8, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that is ugly and look like some sort of animal this person is annoying and usually isn't liked by many people this word can be used in many ways

1. Ae check the state of that wahoo

2. She/He's a wahoo
3. Gtf ya wahoo

by Sallymcdonkeyballs January 12, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cheif Wahoo

To be the boss; run the show; housin.
Cheif Wahooing-VERB

Some punks were getting wild at the party so Polo had to Cheif Wahoo and tell those busters what's up.

by mackrock17 March 16, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž