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Used to describe a highly desirable thing. The new lit (a term that lost favour after it was used by a certain world leader), 'want' can be used to express appreciation and desire.

For example:

"You look want in those speedo's"

"Your new product is want"

"That burger is want"

"I want you because you are totally want"

by Lalihawke October 26, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Wanted

The Wanted are five sexual gods placed on earth by our heavenly father to create beautiful music and make teenage girls around the world wet their panties. These boys are sexual preditors, they will rip of your under garments with their teeth, especially Jay McGuiness, the sexy curly haired guy in the band; he fucks fans in the ass hole whilst showering himself in skittles and lizard pee. Siva Kaneswaren is the extreamly sexy irish guy, his cheek bones are like razor blades and he will cut you in half with his ginormous cock. Nathan Sykes is the baby of the band, understandably he has the smallest dick but hey, he's the most intelligent so therefore he has sex with many woman. Tom Parker likes to have sex with parrots, sometimes after penitrating these parrots he gets very angry, resulting in a 'tom tantrum'. Max George is the bold guy in the band, everyone thinks he has a large penis, and if you do to, you're probably right, Max is known to be in a relationship with Tom, you can 'ship' them under then name of 'Tomax'. On weekends Nathan Sykes dresses up as a female for his boyfriend Jay McGuiness, they're couple name is 'Jaythan'. Even though this is anonomously written, I can guarentee that I've seen Jay Mcguiness' huge lizard. All in all, The Wanted are the most attractive, sexy and most talented boyband in the world right now.

The Wanted Sexy Tom Parker Jay McGuiness Siva Kaneswaran Max George Nathan Sykes Sex Gods

by PhoMcGuiness November 28, 2012

215๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Wanted

The Wanted is a british boyband consisting of Thomas Parker 24, Max George 24, Siva Kaneswaran 24, Jay McGuiness 22, and Nathan Sykes 19.

They have three CDs out as well as some deluxe Editions and am working on their newest album Third Strike. They are the singers of the greatest hits All Time Low, Glad You Came, and recently I Found You.
They have only won one award PCA Breakoutartist just this year but have been nominated for awards since they first started. Jay McGuiness won Sexiest Vegetarian in 2011.
They sound great live or on CD. They are amazing guys to meet and will treat you as an equal. They make Wanted Wednesdays for their fans and have a twitter account so that you can keep up with them. TWFanmily is their fans and it shows how much they love us when they call us their family.
I hope they continue singing for a long time and for all those haters out there you have horrible taste. The Wanted is better then Justin Beiber, Taylor Swift, and One Direction.
They are hot, funny, outgoing, and outragious with TomTantroms, DadJokes, Pranks, Falls, Fails, and a Beiber look alike who can sing his heart out.
Check them out you wont regret it.

"The Wanted's new WantedWednesday is out it says so on their twitter @thewanted. I cant wait to check it out!"

by TheWantedGirl January 19, 2013

137๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

The wanted

They that there fandom is the best i hate them and personally directioners are the best not the stupid tW family one direction is way hotter yuckthe wanted

The wanted

by 1DLover2328 October 11, 2013

147๐Ÿ‘ 181๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Wanted

One of the most talented, down to earth and humble boy bands in the entire world. Nathan Sykes, Jay McGuiness, Tom Parker, Max George and Siva Kaneswaran put everything they have into creating music, having a good time and showing their fans that they mean the world to them. Anyone who thinks otherwise of them are obv brainwashed because TW are fab and I'm proud to be in the TW Fanmily.

"Walks Like Rihanna hm who sings that song?"
"The Wanted, and they're amazing!"

by TEZRAKAULITZ June 18, 2013

86๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

The wanted

Something that you actually want not what you are dealing with at the moment

Iโ€™m just frustrated I have to go home to my flabby bitchy wife and pretend I still enjoy having sex with her then I come here and see you this is the wanted sex I need

by The giant clam ;) ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ง April 21, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


'Wanting-it' means when a man or woman takes a liking to the opposite gender and feels sexually attracted to them and wants to have sexual intercourse.

At a Nightclub...

Mark: Wow she's sooo peng .

Jake: I know right!

Mark: Yeah, I bet you're wanting-it right now ?

Jake: Hah! Yeah bruv .

by the.human.dictionary. January 16, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž