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A derisory adjective given to a thing of exceptionally low quality, used in N England. Considered to have originated from a local brand of cheaply brewed ales and dingy drinking houses.

"This tune is Websters"

by Mr Beans April 22, 2008

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the Webster's

Noun: used when you do not know the meaning of a word used in context and arent afraid to ask. (shortened form of "what's the Websters definition of that word") When you want the REAL definition (such as what's published in the Websters Dicitionary) instead of the BS answers your friends come up with because they arent sure either.

When attempting to listen to rap, white people often find themselves asking "Badonkadonk? What's the Webster's on that?"

by Slothy McGee November 23, 2007

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1) A weaver of cloth.

2) A reference for people from the most highly respected writers to the common man. This reference book, or more commonly known as dictionary, lists a large selection of proper words from the specified language and defines them.

1) Webster's is an excellent buissness person.

2) Let me look it up in Webster's.

by Valerie S. (AB, Canada) August 31, 2003

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Usually refering to the print version of a dictionary pioneered by Webster himself. Before his time people spelled words any damn way they choose to.

Too often people think that Webster's has not entered the digital age. This is simply untrue. Look Up Merriam-Webster and you will find thier site which is free. While it is true that the dictionary there is by no means complete, it is authoritative and will get you through college. When you can't find a word there of course turn to urbandictionary.com

Me: Webster's doesn't have a definition for Punctum.

My Girl: Probably because punctum isn't even a damn word and your proffessor just made it up to sound cool.

Boss: How do you spell that word?
Me: Look it up on Webster's online.

by Bryansix May 26, 2005

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The act of double teaming a girl with an acomplice while a party occurs overhead. Protection is suggested.

"Hey man, I couln't get a hold of you last night!" "Thats because Hubbert and I were webstering this bitch!"

by mateos_edwardes May 22, 2009

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Worst Footballer in a Group, Makes even the worst People look amazing at Football. The True example of Bad footballer =0

scared to tackle people, Kicks the ball away from everyone, cant Run, Prone to injury, Terrible goalkeeper.

Likes to blame other people for the ''Papness'' that truely is ''Webster''

Guy: Hey! Pass the Ball webster..

Webster: Cant!! Injured.. (But nothing has Happened?) =X

by The_Bosh_man May 6, 2010

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The first word to the intro sentence to which every high school and college paper begins.

Also, the first word to the intro sentence that makes English teachers (and every other type of teacher) toss out a collective groan of agony.

Additional social aspect of the word:
One example of the unoriginal and collectively sub-par way in which students go about serious thought and research in our schools. And one of the signs that our educational system needs some revamping.

β€œWebster’s Ninth international dictionary defines :any ass word here: as…”


If I see another paper that begins, β€œWebster’s Ninth international dictionary defines :any ass word here: as…” I’m going to shove No Child Left Behind up GWB’s A**!

by civil_discussion March 30, 2004

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