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whiney whiney feel sorry for me

A rare species of mammal in Minnesota. Often found provoking fights on online forums she professes to hate yet can't seem to avoid going to. Often the creator of flame wars, other local mammals can't help themselves and feel compelled to antagonize. The whiney whiney feel sorry for me then plays the victim for pity which is where it derives its name.

Emma or bitchcactus is an example of a whiney whiney feel sorry for me.

by CL_FlushEntity June 6, 2006

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Whiney Punk

Whiney Punk: an extremly gay sub-genre of Punk. Musicians in this genre are bad at their instrument, and produce simple and catchy tunes consisting of similar terrible bass lines. The lyrics in this genre talk about relationships failing, how their girlfriend dumped them, etc.

Example bands: Good Charolete, Blink 182.

by Daniel February 26, 2005

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whiney ass bitch

WAB ... a narcissistic female or even a male who finds minor situations or activities to whine or complain about to others around them

I don't like this bar because the beer isn't perfectly chilled and I'm bored because I'm a Whiney ass bitch

by elev man December 2, 2013

whiney whiney feel sorry for me


by Anonymous April 18, 2003

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whiney low vote

Someone who doesn't vote but will always complain about the president, without knowing anything about the president.

John: ugh I hate the new president, I heard he has 8 fingers
Bill: stop being such a whiney low vote

by Ignorantlifehacks January 16, 2017

Whiney bitch baby

A girl or guy who bitches a lot or complains about stupid stuff.

These people tend to get jealous very quickly.

Yeah, he got mad at me because I didn't call him last night. He is being a whiney bitch baby.

by Em W May 24, 2011

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Whiney Bitch

Sir Bitchy-Bitch Mcgee: The Mayor of Bitchville.

ie: Spencer is such a whiney bitch, he could run for mayor of an imaginary town of bitches I just made up.

by HereLiesDickboy December 28, 2016

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