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White Collar Bledsoe

When you go on mat leave or LTD, and are replaced by a younger, more competent person, and let go upon (or before) your return.

HR: Iโ€™m sorry, Ms. Washington, we have to terminate your employment for WCB reasons.

MS. Washington: You can't White Collar Bledsoe me, I have people skills and make muffins for birthdays!

by Mike109999 September 9, 2022

white collared slave

A person who is a slave to corporate jobs where you must wear white collars and suites like space monkeys all of you... MONKEYS!!!

i feel like a white collared slave workin for IBM... fuck this *loads gun and shoots self

by asdf December 4, 2002

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white collar wasted

"White collar wasted" is getting wasted after work while still in business casual/formal. The more hours that pass after work, the better.

By 10 pm it becomes apparent to onlookers that you either are too drunk to go home and change, too lazy, or you are a douche. But you don't give a damn. You are white collar wasted.

Be respectful of those around you and loosen that tie.

Office coworker/recent college graduate: "Hey man, what are you doing after you go home from work today."

You: "I'm not going home; I'm getting white collar wasted."

Northwestern Mutual sales douche 1: "My hair is gelled, my face is bronzed up, I got juiced at the gym this morning, I'm wearing a suit, and it's 6 pm at the office on a Friday. What do I do now?"

Identical looking Northwestern Mutual sales douche #2: "Don't you dare loosen that tie. Let's get white collar wasted and hit on college bitches."

by gclax333 October 13, 2012

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White Collar Brosef

A close friend to bounce professional ideas & problems off of. They are not your mentors, family members or investors, so this distance allows them to give you sound advice, while keeping a tone of friendship, trust and objectivity.

Dan: Ugh, I just got off an investors call, Chris cited his mentor 3 times.

Alde: Fuck I hate that pretentious shit. I never mention my White Collar Brosef, that shit is personal.

Dan: Seriously Unc, let's get some shawarma.

by Mike109999 August 16, 2022

White Collar CockBlock

When your business partner or boss deliberately and maliciously prevents you from advancing your career or business, SOLELY out of spite.

Dana: Ugh, I am in a fight with my partner, she is going to FOR SURE White Collar CockBlock this next hire. Uch, we need the help so badly.

Milo: Damn B, that's why you cant do 50/50 joint ventures, Bruh.

Dana: Uch, Preach girl.

by Mike109999 August 16, 2022

White Collar Erotic

When someone is SO hyper elite in business environments and meetings, people of ALL management levels and seniority are intrigued by and want to work with them.

Dan: Man, I love having meetings with Patrick, literally EVERYONE in the meeting listens to him and does exactly what he says. He could get anything he wants done.

BT: Oh ya, Patrick is SO White Collar Erotic.

by Mike109999 August 7, 2022

White-collar hustling

The act of engaging in money-making schemes that while primitive and archaic in process, motive, and execution are backed by professional credentials and legitimate products

I just got my Wilcox County insurance leads today...time to hit the road and do some white-collar hustling.

by Jaybone69 September 16, 2014