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who shot john

Its like...Who killed Kenny, but in a more ebonical way

What the FUCK?!...Who SHOT JOHN?!

by A Santa Claus lookin' muthafucka November 26, 2004

1👍 29👎

who shot john

an exclimation when something unthinkable has just happened.

i.e. you run out of milk, found out you have v.d.

oh shit, WHO SHOT JOHN!?! i'm out of milk son!

by daveyg November 27, 2004

1👍 31👎


Southern for same old thing

As in same old who-shot-john

by bill T February 25, 2005

33👍 40👎

who shot john and why

The phrase "who shot John, and why" is commonly used to describe yourself or someone else when you/they look like a hot mess

Why does Jessica looks like who shot John and why?

I looked in the mirror and realized I looked like who shot john and why.

by iwanttoflingmyselfintothesun February 20, 2018

4👍 1👎