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iPod withdrawal

when your iPod battery runs out at work and you spend the rest of the day shooting rubberbands at the guy next to you

My iPod withdrawal was so bad I was flirting with those fat mexican girls.

by St Pauli Girl August 11, 2007

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A feeling of numb emptiness felt by all individuals once they have returned home from their erasmus.


A general lack of interest and commitment in the day to day activities of home life.

An inability to get excited and/or happy over issues which, prior to departure for erasmus, would trigger the above emotions.

Listening to upbeat music first discovered whilst on exchange that now leaves one with a strong sense of nostalgia and general sadness.

Giving up trying to explain to others how special your time away was because the words do not yet exist that would do it justice-
And frankly, They dont even know.


Person 1: "Hey, what's wrong with Clare? She seems so much cooler and more worldly since she came home from her erasmus but sometimes she gets this glazed 'far away' look in her eyes every time I play Austrian house music"

Person 2: "Oh, haven't you heard? She has a severe case of 'Winscho-Withdrawal' "

by D118 September 23, 2012

Cock Withdraw

When a woman is madly in love with a man and has been deprived of a sucking, licking, fondling, holding, making love, or most importantly being fucked by her man's cock, she may enter a depression, become unbelievably needy, clingy, horny, sex crazed, emotional, cry, and bitchy. Symptoms worsen the longer she goes without her man's cock inside her. If left untreated, she can go insane.

Damn, his girl is being so crazy and bitchy, she must be going through cock withdraw. Her boyfriend better fuck her nice and good before she goes insane!

by evafoxy April 11, 2018

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Phone Withdrawal

The feeling you get when not having your phone for a long period of time, whether it due to losing it or it being dead and you're unable to charge it.

"I lost my phone, i hate not being able to communicate with anyone, what if someone's texting me right now?!?!"
"Dude, relax, you're just going through Phone Withdrawals."

by Mr Night September 19, 2011

Holiday Withdrawal

A feeling of sadness once all of the hoopla from the holidays are over

Anne: How are you doing, Paula?

Paula: I'm alright. I'm just having some holiday withdrawals. :/

by Pepper & Salt December 27, 2013

NCAA Withdrawal

The period of time between the the end of the second round and the sweet-sixteen, and the elite eight and final four, of the Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament. Usually in this time people suffer from boredom because they don't have any great and exciting games to watch.

Mary: Oh looks like Bob is going through NCAA withdrawal.

John: Yeah there were some amazing games this weekend.

by tadeh818 March 23, 2010

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pussy withdrawal

The feeling that occurs when one just recently had sexual intercourse and is currently receiving nothing outside of masturbation. Intense craving for pussy destroys any sort of concentration. Everything reminds the person of having sex. Desperation may set in and the individual may find oneself lowering standards in order to fulfill sexual desires.

Jon: I had sexual intercourse last week and right now I feel like a starving wild animal searching for food. I need to have sex! I think I am going through pussy withdrawal.

by neranfafu December 17, 2015

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