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1) (n.) A thick wool sock worn in the wintertime (pl. woolies)

2) (adj.) Describing an untrimmed moiety of superfluous hair surrounding the penis

1) Gee, Dan, those woolies must be coming in handy here in Canada! Say, how much did you pay for those woolies?

2) My friend doesn't believe that it is essential to trim pubic hair, claiming, "it's natural". What is natural is that he's got some microorganisms growing right in the thick of his wooly unit.

by UnitMasterFlex February 15, 2008

17👍 22👎


A name a group of girls made up when someone fell off of a bike. Afterwards they started talking about dumb stuff like Woolis. Woolis is usually a name for good-looking attractive men.

“What ya talkin’ about Woolis?”

by Rebellious Punkster November 2, 2020


A name a group of girls made up when when of their friends fell off of a bike. Afterwards they started talking about dumb stuff and made up this name. Woolis is usually a good name for a hot, attractive man

“What ya talkin’ about Woolis?”

by Rebellious Punkster November 2, 2020


To think any female is of an attractive quality.

"she's a right 5 pence".... Shut up Jordan your such a wooly, she's a train wreck.

by Wizard of Wordary October 12, 2018


Joint Mixed with crack

Lets roll a wooly

by turddle December 14, 2014


A cheat 50 cent drink found in New York
Which is called a Tropical Fantasy

“Bro are you really buying a Wooly, bad bev

by NYC’S BEST April 8, 2019


A wooly is short for the Liverpool term Wooly Back which is a derogatory expression for people from lancashire and cheshire, originating from the early 1900's when the population of lancashire used to wear a form of sheepskin coat and was considered to be a sheep shagger by scousers.

This of course has not changed much, except the lancashire and cheshire fashion sense has got worse

see wooly back or manc or sheep shagger or wool

by Tommy w October 5, 2005

19👍 29👎