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The Writer

AKA: The Writing Writer
Our other "Claudio."
A character from the story by Claudio Sanchez of Coheed & Cambria.
He is the "Writing Writer". The issues in his own life make him see delusions that cause him to take out his own personal suffering on the characters in his story.
The story gets darker as his own problems grow.
He doesn't want The Character to feel the same pain that he has, so he interferes with the story.
He sees the vision of Ten Speed who manipulates his thinking.

The Writer is mentioned most in Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume I: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness.

by Katy H April 4, 2007

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An unemployed/unpaid author.

A: What do you do for a living?
B: Well nothing much... Oh, I'm a writer!
A: Right!...

by dramteach December 6, 2010

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A Writer

A drink made of 4 shots of espresso and a coffee filling all in a 20 ounce cup. Used primarily by writers and college students to squeeze just a few more precious hours of getting words out on the page.

I need at least 20 more pages done by class tomorrow, I'm going to need a writer or two...

by IrvingWashington April 10, 2011

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The Writer

An individual who believes that by earning grades on essay's and other papers, is actually earning an award of which can be bragged about, out of the blue, in chatrooms and other places of social gathering.

When pressed, attempts to make up for this behavior with various distractions and or claims further to justify this behavior.

The Writer will state the defining arguement that they dont feel like having to justify texting with proper words n'stuff and grammer because it's the internet and no one cares if they do it or not in everyday conversations.

by ruthiesskuro July 12, 2011

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writer's block

A condition that may occur while writing. It causes the person afflicted to be unable to think of what to write next. Typically, the less interesting the topic is to the writer, the higher the severity and chance of occurence.

Some English instructors (different from teachers, who actually teach) will exploit this by having their students write about a topic that hardly anyone cares about. Those who get the most severe cases of writer's block will fail because they couldn't think of anything to write.

A: So I had to write an essay over the importance of having friends with different cultures and whatnot.
B: How'd you do?
A: I got writer's block before I could even begin. And failed.
B: Again?
A: Again.

by Tisteca February 8, 2009

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Writers Block

I had it when writing this

I have Writers Block because I cant think of anything to write in this Example box

by Xboxophobia December 31, 2011

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Writer's Bump

A callous formed on the finger your pencil rests on as a result of writing by hand too much.

"What's that on your finger?"
"It's a Writer's Bump, cause I write a lot."

by Nibblet101 February 13, 2010

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