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xbox 360

a 'games console' used by wannabe 5 year old gamers. Usually when people have a xbox 360 and you ask them wats better about xbox 360s than ps3s they say the games and graphics are better. Well thats total bullshit because they probably havent come in a distance of 100 metres of a PS3.

Sean: Yay I got an Xbox 360!
Matt: Die in a hole.

by Bamaloo June 26, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox 360

The worst console of this generation. Expect bricking, no games, and loads of false promises. Stay away from. Buy a Wii or Playstation 3 instead.

Tom: "Did you buy a Xbox 360?"

Bill: "No, I don't buy piles of shit compressed into a box"

by anonymous3312 May 14, 2007

97๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox 360

A shitty attempt to make a console system by microsoft. Good games include:

gamer 1: Hey did you play xbox 360 yesterday?

gamer 2: No, I just went a bought a PC that's 10x better than an xbox 360 and bought all the games that are on the 360 for the PC, but better versions, and way cheaper, and much easier to play.

gamer 1: I'm so stupid for buying a 360...

by GreenMagi0 July 11, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox 360

A new gaming console coming soon from microsoft. It resembles a pc.

I saw the 30 minute preview about xbox 360 on mtv and it showed me how rich bill gates is to have paid 100 celebs to stand around and act like they all like xbox.

by Oz May 14, 2005

134๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox 360

1. The suckiest Next-Gen console Ever.
2. The Game console pwned by the PS3 and Wii.
3. Another reason for Bill Gates to put more money in his pocket rather then loaning out for the American Public.

Actually, I like the Xbox 360, it makes awesome firewood.

by Da GodFahja March 31, 2007

84๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox 360

an incredible, powerful sysytem
will destroy sony and there gay butt sex ways
it has so many capabilites just sony fans are to busy taking it up the ass while playing Jak 40 or some other faggot game and stuffin thousands dollars worth of confusing computer "cells" to notice

wats up man u gunna get an xbox 360
yea dude or a Wii but FUCK SONY

by ehfkjfkjdhdj November 22, 2006

140๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox 360

Next Gen console from Microsoft, proving that throwing money at designers to design a games console doesn't mean it will be any better than it's previous version.

Key features include: Changable face plates to match your Nokia, changable colour schemes for your online shop, oh and maybe it plays games too. I wouldn't know, the Microsoft Conference was just about how this will 'make the living room a fun place with colourful GUIs' and crappy online features like, 'selling your own branded T Shirts to other XBox live gamers'

'Hey have you seen the XBox 360?'
'You mean XBox 2'
'No, they didnt want to call it that because then it would seem inferior to the PS3'
'No matter what they call it, it will always be inferior to the PS3'

by Tibor May 20, 2005

102๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž