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heck yeah dude

heck yeah dude is a term used when something really cool usually to your benefit happens

(dude gets last slice of pizza) Heck yeah Dude!

by real.stuff October 30, 2015

5👍 2👎

Fuck Yeah Dude!

An affirmative exclamation professed by ecstatic females (or males) during sexual intercourse at the point of orgasm.
It is also a lifestyle brand started in the year 9 a.d.
(see fuckyeahdude.org)

"Fuck Yeah Dude!"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to pee out your cum!"

by skeezyjet July 25, 2009

8👍 7👎

oh yeah dude?

The response to when someone is telling an interesting story or stating a fact that you dont care about.

- "i just got done masturbating"

- "oh yeah dude?"

- "I just got a new Jeep Grand Cherokee!"

- "oh yeah dude?"

by BxBakesxAxLot June 25, 2010

2👍 6👎

Dude Yeah

A common term used by members of a highly prestigious group whom like to call their selves the hype circle. The phrase can be used in almost all scenarios as is it a very respectable move. If a fellow member of hype circle says almost anything another member will likely respond with a dude yeah because it is just that fucking funny. (Warning may cause extreme laughter if baked). A hand signal similar to the ok hand emojis almost always follows the phrase dude yeah. There are multiple ways you can use dude yeah but the most common way is just in its base form.

1 “yo wanna go have moves at Gabe’s”
2 “dude yeah

(Both persons are highly satisfied and go to Gabe’s)

by I hate stinkers September 19, 2018

15👍 2👎