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Yipes Stripes

The latest craze!

Any further question youtube "yipes stripes teen-age strangler" and watch the one with the girl singing on the counter.

"Yipes Stripes! Now you got the beat!"

by Hedonism Richard March 11, 2012

yiped out

to be so high on cocaine that you can't remember how many lines/bags you consumed. very high on cocaine.

that day when i changed the tire i was so fuckin yiped out i didn't feel a thing.

by elizh July 15, 2005

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yipee doodles

1. a kind of celebration
2. showing excitement

1. yipee doodles my favorite song is on the radio
2. OMG OMG my soccer team scored a goal, yipee doodles!

by Kim Chin October 2, 2005

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silent yipe

A silent expression of pain or discomfort. Mouthing the word yipe ! As in a dog (yiping) in pain.

I will silent yipe if you hurt me, so no one hears.

by Yipe-asaurus rex July 4, 2015

yipe :3

uhhh yipe is the autism creature and i could go for a happy meal rn ngl 🐺🐺🐺🐺 πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊπŸΊπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

idk bro im kind of in a yipe :3 kind of mood :///

by mia_yipe September 11, 2023

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Getting my Yipes on

Having sex,making love ,Fucking.... The phrase came from the roadrunner cartoon.When the coyote would fall of the cliff or into a hole , he would hold up a sign that says "Yipes" ... when u fall into a womans hole ..you're "Getting you're Yipes on"

Why are you sweating so hard?

I just finished getting my yipes on with this lil freak from around the way .. she got some good pussy too.

by Super Mann Messiah October 8, 2011

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better but also more aggressive and intimate than r*pe; consensual

guy: are you ready yipe?
girl: idk... can we try yaping ?

guy 1: hey did you yipe this weekend?
guy 2:yeah so hard! did you?

by getyiped February 28, 2021