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Tuggin Your Tits

when you are joking around with a girl and she gets uptight... same as bustin your balls but for a woman bustin your balls

chill out babe, im just tuggin your tits.

by Ryan Cronrath July 11, 2008

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chill your tits

An exclamation used to calm someone down when they are being overly obnoxious or excited about something stupid or insignificant, similar to chill out or relax.

Usage has nothing to do with whether the object of the phrase actually has tits.

Sam-"Jimmy, come ONN, give me a piece of Wrigley's supermint."
Jimmy-"Chill your tits."

Ninth Grader-"Oh my god, those girls are sooo hot, i like the one in blue. Do you think i should go talk to her?"
Eleventh Grader-"Chill your tits, kid, it's just a sixth grade birthday party."

by Gage Magz March 10, 2007

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Calm your tits

Calm down

"Calm your tits, I didn't steal your snickers! "

by Suburbanz71 February 24, 2018

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wrap your tits in

To wrap your tits in.

Term commonly used in the Marines. To give up. Or to go to sleep?
Used by Foxy in Channel 4's SAS: Who Dares Wins

"come on I think everyone's lapped you, might as well just fucking wrap your tits in"

by wellanonymous February 7, 2018

Shut Your Tits

Used when telling a fat guy to shut the fuck up.

"Hey tubby, shut your tits."

by DJ Bless One November 23, 2006

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Scan your tits

It's when you are so bored that you scan your tits, convert it to a jpeg and then post it on newsgroups---preferably usenet.

Slutty Girl-1: Oh man, I am so freaking bored.
Slutty Girl-2: Ya I know. Either we should blow a random stranger or 'scan our tits.'

by Jeff September 12, 2003

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jigglin' your tits

to be kidding

Used in place of "I'm just kidding"

Dude chill out I am just jigglin' your tits

by The Bish February 19, 2007

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