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Divide The Youth

An underground Instagram fashion brand that the Tuinenberg nigga owns.

Bro that's a really cool zip-up! Where'd you get it from?
Thanks bro, I got it from Divide The Youth.

by divide the youth #1 fan August 15, 2021

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Fountain of Youth

Noun. A bowl like form in the scrotum area filled with any liquid.

Verb. (Fountain of Youthing) When one consumes a liquid from a stretched out scrotum. (commonly in a bowl shape)

When a person stretches out their nut sack and fills the surface with a liquid (another person typically takes a sip from it)

Showered with my girlfriend and she took a sip out of my fountain of youth.

I saw a girl fountain of youthing on the beach with a random guy using water from the ocean.

by LB and CF January 20, 2021

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Obama Youth

The group of particularly strident and vociferous voters under 40 whose admiration for Barack Obama approaches a level of religious devotion.

Person A: "Did you see that group of Obama Youth crying after the inauguration?"

Person B: "Yes, they called me a 'fearmongering fascist' for questioning his experience and political record."

by adjockey January 21, 2009

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swing youth

A person who is widely considered to be cool or hip. the term swing youth is an equivalent of cool guy which can be perceived as sexist terminology due to guy being the latter word whereas, youth, is genderless.

Person A: What do you think of Person B?
Person C: I think she's a real Swing Youth...

by Jonti Wands December 7, 2007

youth crew

1. A style of hardcore that emerged in New York City in the late 1980s, typified by lots of sing-along parts and mid-tempo breakdowns. Key bands include Youth of Today, Judge, Bold, and Gorilla Biscuits.
2. The fashion and aesthetic associated with youth crew hardcore. Hi-tops, "varsity" type fonts, posi, and especially straight edge are a few of the key elements.

In My Eyes are more influenced by youth crew than by old Boston hardcore.

by Tyler July 28, 2004

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Misspent Youth

Said of oneself by a (usually older) person when they demostrate in front of unsuspecting onlookers a physical skill that belies their innocent looks or background. Such a skill usually reveals experience with a seedy, suspicious, questionable, or possibly illegal activty. Its a humorous self-deprecating confession of sorts that this skill was acquired by having practiced it in their youth; whether that's actually true or not.

Example 1: An old guy helping a stranger (who has locked their keys in their car) quickly jimmies the door open with the dexterity of a professional car thief.
Stranger: You made that look easy?
Old Guy: Misspent youth.

Example 2: A tiny old man steps up to a pool table puts his bet down then proceeds to clear the table to everyones amazement. As he pockets his winnings.
Amazed onlooker: How'd you do that?
Old Guy: Misspent youth.

by 143yerosha September 24, 2014

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Youth Bandit

A guy who girls date who has no intention of a relationship and just uses them as they stupidly waste their youth. Example is derived from women who foolishly toss away their prime years (20s, early 30s) with guys who will never marry them and then when they wake up and want to date real guys, they are too old to marry or have kids.

"She only wanted to go out with good-looking guys, who all turned out to be youth bandits, now she is a Christmas Cake Girl"
"Instead of dating dudes when she was young and hot, she stupidly pissed away her years with mindless pretty boys who turned out to be youth bandits, and now can look forward to a future of being taken for fucking instead of getting married."
"She could have gotten married to a dude, but allowed the youth bandits to steal her formative years."

by Jay Hobeika October 10, 2009