Source Code

paul zimmer

a Russian spy, working for the Russian government to sell discord in our society, also he eats whole-ass airplanes, he doesnโ€™t eat them all iโ€™m one bite he sits down with a little bib and a fork and knife and he eats 747s, private jets, whatever, he just eats any type of plane.

paul zimmer eats planes

by ellimcnally March 18, 2020

Hans Zimmer

A great music composer who has worked on soundtracks such as Gladiator, Broken Arrow, The Lion King, Hannibal, Mission Impossible II, King Arthur, The Simpsons Movie, Batman Begins, and Pirates of the Caribbean (1, 2, and 3)

Dude that is totally Hans Zimmer!

by Rehtaeh October 23, 2007

320๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zimmer Jockey

A person of age who requires the use of a walking frame to get around, bless them.

A Zimmer Jockey includes great-grannies and grandads. It's great to watch a multi-rider race when the tea-trolley arrives. It's 2 Fast 2 Furious but in slow motion, without the wheels and speed. Lester Piggott may one day be the greatest zimmer jocky of all time.

by Pedrosa von Beagle February 15, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

mrs zimmer

The Devil

damn boi you are such a Mrs Zimmer

by Lol I'm a funny juan April 22, 2016

Paul Zimmer

Perfection. He is literally walking Perfection. His hair, his eyes, his voice, his body, his personality ermahgerd PERFECTION. I'm literally in love with this boy.

Paul Josef Zimmer, Exclamation Point, Youtuber, Paul Zimmer

by Zimmer_babe143 September 10, 2013

159๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zimmer mode

The mindset of a heartbroken man becoming 100% disciplined and trying to make bank to ignore his problems. This is done while listening to Hans Zimmerโ€™s interstellar theme music. While in Zimmer mode the man no longer requires food, sleep or love, and is completely unstoppable until he forgets about his heartbreak or he becomes a top g

James : You hear about Jack? Apparently he asked out the chick heโ€™d been tryna get with for months and she said she thought he was gay.

Tom: Holy shit! He Ight?

James: nah, heโ€™s been in Zimmer mode for the past 6 days and his shopify store has made 2 mill during.

Tom: oh sick, maybe I should try do that.

James: nah, it doesnโ€™t work unless your zen or Zimmer.

Tom: aww shucks!

by Jose Mourinho is taking over December 19, 2022

Don Zimmer

Can also be used as a verb meaning "to forcefully grasp an adversary's domepiece and shove them to the ground causing them to possibly roll multiple times like a fat roly-poly."

If that dude that's getting rowdy over there doesn't stand down, I might have to Don Zimmer his ass.

by SteezOrCrevice September 1, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž