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balloon bimbo

A male freind which is seen as a tomboy by his male dominated freinds group.

Kyle, you're such a balloon bimbo! Want to sleep over at my place?

by memememegumin April 19, 2022

Bolly Bimbo

naive, innocent and eye candy

Kangana mocks Ananya's talent of touching nose with tongue and calls her 'Bolly bimbo'

by Dumma May 16, 2022

smart bimbo

A girl who plays at being a bimbo but is actually really smart.

Aria may play dumb, but she is really smart, so she is a smart bimbo.

by Thatonegirl8420 March 12, 2023

Bimbo Sip

The sip one takes from an overfilled drink whilst bending over to prevent spilling, like a dumb drunk girl would do at a party.

Tammy tried to take a bimbo sip but knocked the cup over with her boobs. Drunk bitch.

by Elton Mancups January 6, 2012

Slimbo Bimbo

A woman (typically a parent) who thinks that someone is only healthy if they are thin.

Melissa's mother is a Slimbo Bimbo because she wants Melissa to go on a diet even though she is already malnourished.

by Darude-wankstorm July 24, 2016

bimbo villain

Usually used to define a woman who has begun to present in more sexualized presentation but for themselves with now regard for how others see them (positive or negative).

Where traditionally a bimbo exists to please a man, a bimbo villain exists to show them up while being drooled over.

For an aesthetic comparison look at early 2000’s Madonna or Britney Spears vs 2021 Bebe Rexha.

Bimbo Villain aesthetic is commonly non-traditional. I.e. sexy grunge, sexy goth, witchy, etc.
Also bimbo villains are commonly members of the LGBTQ+ community.

1: Hey, did you see that earlier? Jordan looks like she is about to start her bimbo villain arc.
2: What the hell is a bimbo villain arc?
1: You know, like Bebe Rexha in the music video for “I’m Gonna Show You Crazy

by KrysieJ November 18, 2022

bimbo eruption

a) an average married male's (not just a politician's!!!!) drama-filled cast of multiple mistresses
b) (offensive): -for men- genital herpes as a result of having had too many sex partners, not just wives and mistresses.

c) (misogynistic in most cases): oral cold sores on women, which may have resulted from said woman being " sexually immoral"

if you find a bimbo eruption def a), in your husband's skeleton closet, you may want to consider being in a lamm, or go into a Mr. and Mrs. Smith scenario. if you are a sexually immoral man with dirty hands, and if the law can't punish you unless your wife brings charges, well you might as well deserve a bimbo eruption def b). Unless you were a member of the hippie counter culture and participated in something like the Woodstock festival of August 1969. Oh and by the way, never insult a woman by saying she has a bimbo eruption def c) unless you are an even worse misogynist than Ted Bundy or Gary Ridgeway

by Sexydimma October 11, 2016