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It means she is thinking about nothing except "no." If you take that word as anything except a "no," then you need a CAT scan. Do not get your hopes up when they say anything except a yes.

Guy: "Hey, do you want to hang out this weekend?"
Girl: "Maybeee."
Guy: "That's OK, I had other plans anyway..."

by The Real Alexander Hamilton October 20, 2020


1. always yes

hey do you wanna go out to eat?
-maybe (yes)

by kxvhsxx August 2, 2021


A word used alot by


In their song


And I said maybe eeeeeeeeee
You gonna be the one that save me
And after allllllll
Your my wonderwalllllllll

by J03 MAMA March 1, 2021


The thing people say when they want you to go away.

Hey, do you want to go to McDanks? "Umm," Do you want to go to McDanks? "Umm," Do you want to go to McDanks? "Maybe."

by ErockTheParty December 9, 2018


/ˈmeɪbi ,ˈmeɪbi/
(adverb)(minor truth/lie)
A term used to denote when one wants to admit to truth within an aforementioned statement without a definitive or clear answer.

Husband: "You are the cutest!!!"
Wife: "Maybe."

by DefinitelyNotThomas December 20, 2017


Parent speak for no.

Kid: hey mom can I go to the mall with my friends

Mom: maybe

2 hrs later

Kid: hey mom have you decided

Mom: go away I already said no

by you_might_be_a_good_person June 7, 2023


Yes or most definitely

Him:Let’s go to the Cheesecake Factory?

Her: maybe .....

by Cv5662 November 14, 2018