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A woman whose actions are of a porno star, or a whore.

Her vulgar “porno-esque" behavior made her look like a whore.

by mrodriguezjd95 May 6, 2022


The act of visualizing sexual acts or mentally stripping the clothes off someone of the opposite sex.

Cute guy, i can imagine such a fine ass without the jeans on.. damn! I better stop porno-thinking.

Dude, she's got such nice boobs, i can't help porno-thinking when she's around.

The way that guy keeps looking at me, I bet he's porno-thinking.

by KC Fedora May 28, 2011

JoJo's Bizarre Porno

Used when referring to the pilot of the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure being posted on PornHub (no longer available as of 2020)

"damn, whoever made jojo's bizarre porno is a pogchamp"

by Suburban Middle School Kid December 15, 2020

Porno Protocol

The plan set in motion when you back out a group chat by getting one other person to send porn/ nudity as a coverup for you leaving

Ethan initiate the porno protocol now!!!!

by YEETOMYMEATO January 20, 2020