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spy account

A pathetic fake second account used by people shunned by society for the purpose of watching people who have ostricized them. It is as sad as it sounds; they're watching people who don't want them around from the anonymnity of the internet. In real life you'd get arrested.


"It joined at the same time as that troll and they know what's being said in the room. It's definitely their spy account."

by [CaveJohnson] September 21, 2023

spy ship

spy ship (n): a floating vessel full of people who think they are spies, secretly collecting information, except they are on a freaking *ship* and not particularly secret

The Russian spy spy ship off the coast of the USA is full of top-bunk jackoffs.

by sooooowhat February 15, 2017

happy spy


happy spy- a guy who is a simp. he will simp over any girl and is a spy main that is happy when playing spy on the game tf2. in the tf2 community we call these people happy spies they go out of their way to simp for any girl in a server or thier own server

by explosivespy69 July 14, 2020

drive spy

passing by someone or something several times in fear of being caught or without being noticed

We took a drive spy by his house today.

by boodze August 15, 2011