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Fatties gc

a gc on insta with 5 pretty baddie amazing friends . they are all bffs and so cool and awesome. The people in this baddie group is: rory (leader😹) lyla🥰 , jor🦄, anayah🥺 and Val🐷.

Fatties gc is so good

by gogyfnd June 9, 2021

The GC Chocolate Challenge

To construct a full plate of assorted dinner foods, then slowly covering the ENTIRE plate in solid chocolate from the magical chocolate fountain.

The meal must be eaten alone while loudly grunting to attract attention.
For extra points enjoy a nice Horchata.

- My friends sat at another table and watched me do The GC Chocolate Challenge.
- How'd that play out?
-I'm not allowed back to any GC in the tri-state area, but chocolate covered chicken fried steak rocked my world.

by Tips Accepted December 24, 2013

Whores gc

The best telegram groupchat existing PERIODTTTT!

Man, fuck those ugly ass telegram chats. The whores gc is the only good one on that shitty ass app.

by baddestbitchPERIODT December 3, 2018


A group chat in Snapchat that will take over urs and dominate the whole world taking NiGbaS as slaves and fight Billuminati.

Random person on Snapchat: Hey lemme add these folks of mine

That Group chat :ohhhh no they took my kids and sold them to sex trafficking
Another random group chat: oh no he ate the cat
BaYbAe GC: I like em big. I like em ChUnKy

by 25%nword/BaYbAe February 20, 2019