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My dick is gonna be the last thing you see before I fuck your eyes out.

A terrifying threat, don’t

My dick is gonna be the last thing you see before I fuck your eyes out.”

Dude what the fuck”

by A fucked up idiot October 25, 2023

You Fucking PoOof

Your an extremely bitch as nigger who just should leave once this has been said

Jeremy: “Hi bob your looking hot today”
Bob: “Fuck of You Fucking PoOof”

by HughJanus_OOP March 11, 2021

You Fucking PoOof

Pretty much means your a gay ass nigga who should probably leave after this has been said to them

Jeremy: “hey bob your looking pretty handsome today!”
Bob: “Fuck off You Fucking PoOof”

by HughJanus_OOP March 11, 2021

are you fist fucking me clark?

Expressing disbelief.

Are you fist fucking me clark?

by Herpagonasyphilaid November 10, 2020

I love your ax wound you fucking whore!!

Trixie loving ones ax wound. You fucking whore.

Trixie walks in a club
Trixie sees a gay person
Trixie- I love your ax wound you fucking whore!!!

by minniecheatedfirst October 9, 2023