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Canadian Cigar

Shaving another man’s pubes, ball hair, and ass hair, then smoking it in a joint.

I gave my friend a Canadian Cigar last night.

by May 10, 2024

rolled cigar

A cigar with marjiuanna wrapped around it. Normally used at parties to get you more drunk

Last night i smoke 5 rolled cigars

by Kales August 14, 2006

Back Cigar

That cigar you have on the way home from a good night out

Me and Tod shared a back cigar after the ball.

by helpedmyunclejackoffahorse February 26, 2017

Ciga cigar

male appendage or dildo

I wanna, I wanna Ciga Cigar

by Stephenph October 10, 2021

Council Cigar

A poverty cigar rolled with a king skin

"Tom rolled a council Cigar last night, for his 24th birthday"

by DJ Steves April 18, 2023

Cuban Cigar

During intercourse in the missionary position, the woman will reach forward and insert an index finger into the man's butthole.

She will then remove the inserted finger, and place it against her upper lip and directly under her nose. Finally she will drang the brown digit across her lip while taking a single, deep inhale through her nostrils.

This is to create the appearance of one smelling a fine Cuban Cigar as seen in pop culture.

Tom: Becky surprised me last night by giving herself a Cuban Cigar.

Ted: I didn't know Becky liked to smoke cigars.

Tom: explains the sexual position.

Ted: vomits* You're both fucking sick and need help.

by Bollybones June 16, 2022