Source Code

3-way allegiance

The mightiest privelage to be written in the Bro Code, only accessibly redeemable by the greatest of bros. In the event of either your girl wanting to fuck your bro or your bro wanting to fuck your girl, the 3-way allegiance must be called. But, it is extremely crucial to say "no homo" in complete synchronization beforehand. By doing this, all feelings of envy are obliterated, strengthening the relationship between you and your girl, but more importantly between the bros.

Guy: hey bro, so my girl's birthday is coming up


Guy:and she thought a three way would be cool

Bro: say no more, bro. We just gotta do the 3-way allegiance and we'll be cool.

by Antidi April 20, 2019

way the hell out there

Too much information to comprehend

Yo did you see that?

I don't know what I say that shit was way the hell out there!

by JPR2151 November 29, 2013

The Forge way

Something within the Vfcc handbook. Something you would do in front of don meyer.

I heard Johnny had sex on the nature trail, definitely not the forge way

by yayavfcc December 11, 2011

on my way

what one says when they’re moving consciously in a positive and healthy direction

bio: “on my way”
Viewers thoughts: “they’re on their way to greatness.

by May 21, 2023

Wai Yee

Wai Yee is a girl addicted to TikToks.
Nickname: Wai Yeet

iM lOoKinG foR mRs. bUbBlE gUm
iM miSteR chIKoSticK
cAuSe yOu sO tHiCCCCCC

"Wai Yee is my best friend"

"Mme _____ hates Wai Yee"

by Ereri123 December 17, 2019

Poopy Way


yk what the poopy way is?”
“no what is it”

by poopyway June 12, 2022