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Steamy Quaker

(Noun) Rhymes with Creamy Shaker. When one shits in a pot, heats it up, then proceeds to use it as lube for a vibrator.

What’s your kink? “You ever give a Steamy Quaker?”

by OfMiceandMensch March 21, 2019

Steamy Morgan

The biggest fattest pile of shit you've ever left in a toilet

I left a Steamy Morgan in the toilet last night and woke up to my wife handing me divorce papers.

by CerealEarth December 20, 2022

steamy salami

Blowin vape clouds into a man's boxers and/or briefs, creating a steamy salami

Omg Becky he was so big I had to give him a steamy salami

by Steamysalami June 25, 2017

Steamy steamy youch

You know it when you see it.

Wow that was a great set of melee, steamy steamy youch!

by youchster May 15, 2021

Steamy Steamer

When ur homie passes out and u pull down his pants and suck his dick

Brendon is technically gay bro. At Alex's last week Brendon passed out and Vince pulled a Steamy Steamer

by Juice Wrld's ghost March 7, 2020

steamy rhino

When a chick is giving you head, and right before ejaculation you aim for her nostril and shoot your cream up her nose

Oh remember that chick from the bar last night? Yea while she was on her knees i gave her a steamy rhino.

by Tye gordon November 15, 2017

Steamy Newton

It is the process in which you consume an entire package of Fig Newtons, wait until your body processed it, and expel it onto another person; preferably in a sexual manner.

I see he enjoys eating fruit. Maybe he'll enjoy a steamy newton.

by Kal8el November 21, 2016