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When an old wrinkly women pesters you and stalks you for phone sex.

ET Fone Home lets have phone sex

by Carlos de la Cerda November 8, 2021

et bone

Two faced dickhead. His diss tracks are terrible!!!! He is a two time cheating asshole. His dick is as black as charcoal, and his haircut lays even the most ferocious pussy.

This guy stole my bitch yesterday, what an et bone

by Ye boi Lulu May 17, 2018


A f****** bi*** a price of sh**

He is an ete

by Lcharles January 7, 2022


You’re doing the challenge where you removed the first and last letter let me guess… it’s Peter right

My name is ETE

by Yaurabitch February 10, 2023

Tog et

To drag a woman back to the kitchen so that she can resume making your sandwich.

Bella: Come at me Edward!
Edward: Tog et, wench.

by polomint27 May 24, 2012