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Final Rise To Reason

A Punk Rock band from South Africa. Formed in 2012 by 2 high school friends and later they added an extra member to the group. They sing against topics such as racism, sexism, animal abuse, politics and also wants to encourage people to be different than the mainstream society. People who listens to music and have the same ideas as the norm (labeled by FRTR as slaves of society) are encouraged by the band to stop that mindless habit and be truly unique. FRTR wants to let their voices be heard and strives to make this world a better place to live in.

Slave of society:"I'm gonna listen to that new band Final Rise To Reason, 'cause I wanna fit in like everyone else."
True FRTR fan:"They hate people like you."
Slave of society:"Asshole, why do you say that?"
True FRTR fan:"'Cause you listen to them to be cool!! The band hates fans like you!!!"

by school punk kid March 2, 2014

T's reasons

When some reasons are so convincing but turn out it's all wrong and misguide people inadvertently.

don't listen to that guy over there, he gives T's reasons.

by Not Professor Xavier March 13, 2019

give something a reason

To give someone/something a cause and/or motivation and justification to kill you.

A gorilla is not something you give something a reason, unless you’re a chimpanzee.

by Hoodnature March 8, 2023

Lets get this Verbal Reasoning

This phrase was popularised in mid-2019 in Australia and is a reference to both the Australia-wide UCAT exam and a global-FPS game.

Verbal Reasoning is a section inside the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) which is abbreviated as (VR).

VR is also an acronym for a term in the popular online MMO-FPS 'Fortnite' which means 'Victory Royale'.

Hence "Lets get this Verbal Reasoning" is used as a sort of cathartic relief and a battle cry for strong grinders to gee themselves up.

Guy 1: Oh shit man finals are right around the corner.
Guy 2: Fuar true. No worries though, lets get this verbal reasoning.

by CptJackCleanse August 22, 2019