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white people Walmart

Your local Meijer department store. No bus route stops, and is located near the upscale suburbs. Poor minorities are just a thing of the past when you shop at Meijer.

Door dings are a thing of the past now that we shop at Meijer. Aka white people Walmart.

by All hail Caesar May 24, 2023

white people seasoning

Salt ans pepper

Yo bro Dave uses white people seasoning

by PotatosFart37 November 11, 2022

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Rusty white people

White people in the " Rust Belt " that voted for Trump

Those rusty white people got Trump elected

by TrumpingTrump November 29, 2016

If white people can't do it

than it was aliens

"hey those Egyptians couldn't of built it, it must of been aliens " says Jim from accounting
"yea i mean If white people can't do it now, it must of been those damn aliens" says Garry from HR

by speedybump October 19, 2019

white people phrases

White people phrases are phrases used by white people, typically ones trying to sound cool or โ€œdangerous.โ€ They typically use words like champ, white chocolate, buddy, pal, or Oh brother!

Gavin was insulted in the burger king bathroom, and he said,โ€ listen here buddy! Youโ€™re barking up the wrong tree!โ€ The stranger responded,โ€ stop saying white people phrases!โ€

Em dropped her vegan cereal, causing her to scream, โ€UH OHHHHH SPAGHETTIO!โ€

by True author June 6, 2023

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White people smile

A smile many white people do, especially in photos. Characterized by no emotion in the eyes, your eyebrows either slightly raised or furrowed, and heavily showing your upper teeth, with your mouth slightly open. A really awkward smile

"Dude your mom has such a white people smile in all the pictures of her!"

by S1mple-tech August 22, 2023