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at it's best

Used in the past (2007 - 2011) by children/9gagers/idiots but mostly foreigners that have no idea when to use this expression but still want to join the English internet meme-world.

child 1: Hey bro did you see this hot new meme ? Mario trolled luigi!
foreigner: ah ah ah, this nintendo at it's best !

by YouWereSupposedTo September 6, 2018

Lola's Best Friend

A guy who pretends to support the cause of a feminazi just for sex. The origin of "Lola" is unknown, so let's assume she's a feminazi, mkay?

Dude, Randy is being such a Lola's Best Friend to Bethany. I know Bethany's hot and all but he's being a douche to all his friends.

by Niger Tits November 24, 2015

Ghetto best

The best that one's current circumstances deserve.

Alan- Ben only scored 2 points in the game last night.

Milo- Ben only has one arm.
Jayne- He gave his ghetto best.

by pandasupra April 7, 2017

robin is the best

the pest person you ever met

robin is the best, at least much better than Aleeza

by monhgfdthzdxcvihbojn' October 29, 2021