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Fly Vagina

When one’s pubic hair sticks through the front of one’s underwear giving it the spiky texture of a fly’s body.

“Yeah, I just couldn’t go through with it. He had too much Fly Vagina for my liking.”

by €utie¥ootie April 12, 2020

flannel fly

A guy(Cis or trans) that is known to prefer the company of lesbian women for platonic relationships.

Is thought of as the equivalent (counterpart) of a woman who is known to associate with gay males. (Fruit fly)

Why is he always wasting his time with those women, doesn't he know they are all lesbians?

Nah, he knows, he is just a Flannel Fly.

by Flannel Fly 66, LLC March 22, 2017

Flying Penguins

An exclamation used in place of curse words

Dude 1: Dude, did you do the Algebra homework?

Dude 2: FLYING PENGUINS! I forgot!!

by the hand of doom September 21, 2010

Flying Mbeba

This is a flying rat in other words Mulenga Ntinda

Flying Mbeba!!!!

by 162Gunboy June 16, 2022

That will happen when pigs fly

A saying that once meant something would never happen. Rendered obsolete with the advent of the police helicopter.

“Cops aint gonna catch us, that will happen when pigs fly!”
“Bro the police helicopter is listening, shut up”

by Wypipo whisperer August 22, 2019

Flying Marshall

A Jewish slang for DP

Yo did you do the Flying Marshall last night?

by Desplat December 4, 2020

Watching the squids fly

A glitch in Minecraft, which is used as a method of keeping yourself entertained while you wait for your friends to get back online so you can prank them.

"Well, until my friend gets back, I suppose I'm just sitting here watching the squids fly."

by Fruitcakebro August 21, 2023