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Bust N' Cuff

When a guy cums inside a fine girl with the intentions of getting her pregnant that way she will have to stay with him.

Dude, Adriana Lima is so fine, if I ever get to fuck then you know I'm gonna Bust N' Cuff.

by Allthemgains September 30, 2015

cop a cuff

To find a woman/man and start a relationship

Yes let me cop a cuff for the winter

by foley212 November 12, 2017

Sex cuffs

A type of handcuff that can just be a fuzzy outline on a normal pair of handcuffs or it can be a piece of leather like a wrist/ankle-sized belt that has a fluffy inner lining.
It is normally used on a woman.
There are hand ones that have a 3 to 4-inch metal chain connecting them and there are ankle ones that have a 10-15 inch chain the fact that the ankle one is 10-15 inches is that you can loop it around the hand ones and it can connect the ankle to wrists/hands just like a hogtie.

What did you do last night, oh well my boyfriend put me in Sex cuffs and we did the dirty for a while then after we were done he hogtied me with the ankle and wrist cuffs connected so my feet were almost touching my back and my hands were touching my feet he than tickled me and licked my feet at the end of it he left me hogtied overnight because he fell asleep and then I fell asleep from all the fun we had I woke I was freeking out because I was hogtied but than he walked in and saw me trying to get out and said aww how cute and he took a picture and then untied me. It was the funist night of my life.

by sir pablo the 3rd March 13, 2022

Cuff Scuff

The unfortunate second wipe scenario, especially prominent in the office workplace, resulting in a smudge on your shirt cuff. Particularly likely after a hot curry the night before.

Just went down for a shit but arse gravy was the order of the day. Got a rather embarrassing cuff scuff as a memento.

by Kevontour February 7, 2011

Jared cuff

He is Perfection.

That guy is like a Jared Cuff…. Perfection

by Anonym0us/1786 January 20, 2023

cuff your jeans

The thing lesbians and other female members of the LGBTQIA+ community do to show that they are, in fact, a female member of the LGBTQIA+ community that can develop feeling for another female (who is not always a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and is usually their best friend)

*Could also be used as a metaphorical phrase that helps you let other people know you like girls, even though you might be wearing a skirt at the moment

Girl 1: Do you cuff your jeans?
Girl 2: Yea... Do you?
Girl 1: Yes, I cuff my jeans!


Girl A: Hey, I just wanted to let you know I cuff my jeans!
Girl B: But... You're in a skirt...
Girl A: Nevermind, that's not what I meant

by April 21, 2021

ankle cuffs

When one fornicates whilst having one's trousers down to and wrapped around one's ankles, thus entrapping one in a set position until capitulation.

I was banging Jenny last night when I got locked in ankle cuffs

by anklecuffs123 December 11, 2014