Source Code

night pip

Something said when wishing someone usually a child goodnight

Child: I'm off to bed

Adult : Ok night pip

by Gwanagirl July 16, 2015

Pip daddy

Testicles or balls

My pip daddy's itch.

by Yaboititty December 1, 2016

em pip

em pip means "Emo Pipsqueek" and is used to describe an Emo girl or boy that has a high voice and is petite

"look and Trey hes such an em pip

by EMOPIPH8ter August 3, 2024

grundy pips

Small pieces of faecal matter found in grubby underpants.

Colin, having terrible flatulence as well as hygiene was not surprised to find that the frequent release of vaporised turd into his pants had formed into grundy pips. A more polite way of saying "I've followed through and lightly shit myself".

by Spoopleman April 16, 2017

Pip appreciation day

To appreciate pip, and all the work she does on and off the court <3

Oh it’s pip appreciation day today

by voxtis May 19, 2022

Gleaming pip

A worthless small-time thief or a pickpocket. It's considered an insult to both honest cutters and thieves who see themselves as a cut above the rest.

"Benny the Teen used to be a top shelf bandit, but now he's just a gleaming pip on a horse."

by Zed Numar September 10, 2021

cock pips

Jelly-like lumps found in semen, that kind of sting a little but in a tantalising manner.

"Have you ever came jelly after not whacking off after a few days?"
"Yeah bro, I shoot cock pips most Sundays!"

by art_n_sex June 7, 2017