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Amazon Bonus Plan

When you work for Amazon and they force you and all the other employees to celebrate being the lowest cost center. While they cut all overtime, that employees all count on , so the Site lead can get a huge bonus.

Hey man, I have to get a second job to feed my kids because of this lovely Amazon Bonus Plan!

by Amazonsux October 15, 2023

Bonus Meal

the act of eating pussy or eating out a girl's vagina

Yo Thrill, have you bonus mealed yet down under?

by Thrill Stone August 15, 2008

Bonus Day

The days following a work bonus where you call off because you don’t need the money.

Hey bob, where is Jeremi? Oh he called off, got his bonus check and took some bonus days.

by Kwall302 December 16, 2019

Crotch Bonus

Little bits of leftover klingons when one does not shower well.

She and I went to a hotel and showered preparing for wild sex and when I was going down on her I found some crotch bonuses.

by Fooledbybeauty September 20, 2018

Bonus Madness

Sub game on a highly addictive fruitmachine found on Sporting odds casion.

Used to describe madness that was not forseen yet is very enjoyable.

Bonus Sadness

"there's some crazy shit going on, it's Bonus Madness!"

"I spent 60 quid but atleast i got Bonus Madness!"

"This DVDA is Bonus Madness"

by Jebus September 24, 2004

Bonus Dick

A dick that feel surprisingly much bigger than it looks

Girl, that nigga was fine, and he done hit me with some bonus dick. Blew my mind foreal

by MsPimp69 October 3, 2020