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Linda from Italy

A person who only exists to be used as an example. She goes off topic in chat rooms and is very proud of her Italian heritage, mentioning her country of origin at any given chance.

Hi, it's Linda from Italy

by LindaFromItaly April 14, 2023

Linda Ronstadted

Passing someone at a drag strip while drag racing. AKA Blew By You--- or the song Blue Bayou

I really Linda Ronstadted that car.

by Stupid Fast Truck December 27, 2019

tan linda

so cute/pretty but in spanish ofc

you: *posts on your main story for the first time in months*

random old man who def should not have snap: "mamacita tan lindašŸ˜"

by cornball428 December 26, 2022


Pushing guys away bc youā€™re afraid to catching feelings because guys actually suck ass.

ā€œDonā€™t you dare pull a Malia/Linda on this dude, heā€™s actually good for youā€

by LCarter_06 December 5, 2021

bloody 'ell Linda

this is a term originally used for mild frustration, used by an angry old men towards their wives.
now jokey term -with no offensive intent behind it- to show mock frustration.

Lynda spills her tea;
Andrew: "bloody 'ell linda! you've spilt ya tea!"

by Angry.ginger June 14, 2024

Linda Glove

Linda Glove is a term that refers to anything or anyone that is ugly and fucked up but in an iconic and/or cute way. It can also be used to refer to getting got by something iconic but kind of funny such as UTIs or MLM schemes.

Oh damn Linda got me again! This is the third time this year Iā€™ve had a UTI!

Awwwww look at that nasty ass crusty white dog itā€™s giving such Linda Glove energy!

by Miritsu May 3, 2024

linda tripp

to feign interest in another individual for personal gain

All this time, I thought Seth was genuinely interested in being my friend. Little did I know that he's been Linda Tripping me this whole time!

by bfan91 April 14, 2022