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low ses

A person who is poor and dumb. Low SES (socio-economic status).

Don't invite Liam. Having a low ses will make it awkward.

by anonporridge July 11, 2024

Ubi se

"Ubi se" literally translates to "Kill yourself" In Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian.

Some random guy: Fuck you
Some random Balkan guy: Ubi se

by BurntCaramelzz June 17, 2024

omor, a se omorî

cand exersezi o activitate cu pofta si pasiune, cand nu ai mai facut o activitate de mult

Mă omoară țigarea asta...
Când ajung acasă mă omor cu o farfurie de borș.
Să vezi ce omor ne luăm de revelion!

omor, a se omorî

by cossie December 18, 2021

Likhon Dil Se

That friend who curates poets and storytellers on the basis of quality of content and believes "When you try to write beautiful, listen to your heart"

Artists - How do you get a chance on your platform ?

Likhon Dil Se - Send us your best work and we will value of your content.

by Likhon Dil Se November 27, 2021