Source Code

open fly

When A Majestic Fly 'Comes Out Of Your Zipper' its Actually Your Dick Coming Out Of Your Zipper

Hey We Can See Your Fly Hanging Out

The Open Fly Airlines Is Available

open fly plz im horny

by MummysWannabeGangster December 29, 2016

bunker flying

The act of propelling someone ridiculously high in the air performed as such: person A (bouncer) jumps on partially deflated paintball bunker, which in turn propells person B (bouncee) really, really, high

todd broke his head on a light bunker flying

by T_H_C October 17, 2006


It is a giant-realistic-flying-tiger, who could possibly misunderstand that?

"Where are you Giant-Realistic-Flying-Tiger?"
"Wait it's a girl? I thought that tiger was a man!"

by Josip(Legend) May 7, 2017

Flying Cock

The flying Cock is a cock that flys around mainly in people face saving the day from the flying butt but has explosive cum.

Tyler: Is that the flying cock!?
Flying Cock: BOOM
Tyler: Yummy

by Fortnite battlepenis November 30, 2022

Flying Tesla

The act of getting a running start, launching yourself up and over The footboard of the bed and attempting to land your fully charged tesla into your partners un-lubricated trunk. Usually ending in a mangled pile of broken tesla and trunk contents.

Go no hands for the Model S!

Dwayne's girlfriend was bent over on the bed waiting for him to get home from work. He took one look into her brown eye from the doorway, ripped his clothes off and executed a Flying Tesla Model S.

by Ramrod4185 March 23, 2022

Flying pig

When a fat fuck does an arial in rocket league

Omg look at the flying pig

by Ksi lick my nuts January 9, 2021

glowing flying squirrel

When a man is down on a woman and he breaks a glowstick in her clit and sticks his dick in and preforms helicopter causing all the glowing ink to fly everywhere spastic such as a squirrel

"Man when I was with Ashley the other night I gave her the glowing flying squirrel better than Dave!"

by TheShitFacedCockMaster February 22, 2015