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Hands will fly

To hit something or someone with speed.

Macey: That little gimp Joshua called me a whore if I see him again hands will fly.

by hanayamasmissingnipples_1743 September 30, 2020

Go fly a kite

1: A outside activity
2: a insult, telling someone that they’re annoying and that they should go away

Person 1: Hey, wanna go fly a kite?
Person 2: Sure!

Person 1: hey! Hey! Hello! Heyo!
Person 2: go fly a kite.

by Peppa lol December 3, 2022

1👍 1👎

Go fly a kite

In my mind it means go F off why?

Well mary poppins said “let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height!”

But Thomas Edison flew a kite got electrocuted so go fly a kite in my eyes means go put a fork in. Socket or F off

Johnny- Hey Billie looks like the eagles were last in the draft

Billie- Johnny go fly a kite!

by NotTesla May 25, 2022

flying lizard kick

Skinny bastards who jump up in the air leg extended kicking people in the head or chest. Lizard like legs

He gave him a flying lizard kick to the chest

by 123adam May 14, 2014

Flying Man

He Eartbound guy that beats the shit out of you in Smash Bros.

Flying man was introduced in Smash Bros. 4

by PopsiclePerson December 31, 2020

flying man

When a girl has big boobs/cleavage that, you instantly take notice. Taken from Hiro Nakamura from HEROES, when he found out about the "flying man" and outstreched his arms forward as if flying.

Me ruben and joe are in the mall and joe says "james flying man", and points to a large chested woman.

by Blue James September 18, 2007

Fly Corp

Game on Steam where you make an airline.

Person 1 : Do you play Fly Corp?
Person 2 : Yeah! It's a cool game!

by PocoCookie April 13, 2023